Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Interview with a Leda Lady

I hope you enjoy this exclusive, behind the scenes chat with longtime Leda Lady Vanna, who has been tanning hides at NuWest Leda for many years. The photos have been kindly supplied by NuWest Leda:

Hello, Vanna. Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for my readers. How did you get involved with NWL?

I started at NuWest as a spankee, like most of their models, and hated it. After I was there about 3 years, they let me give some spankings. The first one I gave was in 1990. It was a super rush and I've been giving them ever since.

Do you have a favorite implement?

Hairbrush, cane, Spencer paddle, and a leather strap - in that order. I like switches, too.

Describe for us a typical Vanna spanking...

Have the person across my lap barebottom, and spank thme with a hairbrush until I want to stop. The more crying and begging they do, the more I spank.

You must have learned some techniques over the years - care to share a tip or two with any female tops who might be reading this?

Make him have bare feet and rest the TOP of his toes on the floor. He won't be able to move. Joanne Jameson taught me this.

Have you ever met your match - that is, someone you could not reduce to whimpering sobs, no matter how hard you walloped him?

Of course! Some men and women numb up and don't feel it after a point. I just move down to the back of their thighs. That wakes them up :)

Photo courtesy of NuWest Leda; All rights reserved
When you're spanking or caning in front of the camera, do you follow any script, or do you have the freedom to conduct the punishment as you will?

Both. Depends on the video and the submissive. Off camera it's always my call.

Is spanking a part of your life beyond the lens?

Ask one of my girlfriends who was late for a party I gave. I spanked her in front of everybody.

Do you have a website, or offer disciplinary services beyond NWL?

I don't have a website, and I don't do personal sessions for money. Most men just want you to talk about it so they can fantasize. I prefer it to be real. It's a power trip for me.

Thank you again, ma'am. 

Photo courtesy of NuWest Leda; All rights reserved
You can watch Vanna in action in many of the videos available at NuWest Leda.


  1. RR,

    Vanna is spectacular. Must 'march to Her beat'. love this!

  2. "I started at NuWest as a spankee, like most of their models, and hated it. After I was there about 3 years,"

    WTF? 3 years? Was the job market that bad?

  3. Hi RR:

    I have some Leda videos with Vanna in them from back in the 90s. She has changed a bit since then but haven't we all? I would have said hairbrush, leather strap, Spencer paddle then the cane but I hate to quibble with an expert! :)

  4. Fantastic Interview and post.
    Vanna looks exceptional, a True Classly, Beautiful Domme.
    I dont think the Femdomme scene shows enought of Ladies like Vanna.

  5. Merry Christmas, Red Rump, and a happy New Year. May Elizabeth Montgomery and Ann Francis both appear wearing seamed stockings and fuzzy sweaters with tights, and with the intention of removing your clothes and spanking you 'til your ass is as shiny as a polished Macintosh apple. Hmmm... On second thought, maybe they should go to my place...

  6. Hi RR...
    Have a great New year...
    Lord..Vanna got ummm, errr, (changed)..she used to be a skinny kid back in the day.. Best wishes Vanna...

  7. "Most men just want you to talk about it so they can fantasize. I prefer it to be real. It's a power trip for me."
    Where in the world did she get that idea? There are many men who keep lady disciplinarians fully booked up for REAL spankings.

    1. Be that as it may, I would be careful contradicting a woman like Vanna...

    2. I would love to have a personal Disciplinarian/Disciplinee relationship with Vanna, for she really knows how to correct a fully grown man, by severely punishing him the good old-fashioned, bare-bum-blistering way. And if she were to be interested in teaching me sorely (no pun intended) behavior-modifying lessons, she would find out I don't care much for idle, fantasy-born/fantasy-fueling talk; but that I just care for the corporally-punishing and attitude-adjusting attentions, of a strictly-stern woman, and the life-saving power, of her harshly swung canes, paddles, straps, switches, and hairbrushes (in that order; for the cane, remains the most effective means, for persuading me, toward right, gentlemanly conduct). However since she is the Disciplinarian and me the Disciplinee, I do know fully well that her order (and/or choice) of teaching aids (or corrective implements), will be that which prevails in the final oven-hot bum end, and not mine. And oh yeah! I do like my Disciplinarians to be very authoritative, very commanding (whilst thrashing me), very domineering (whilst laying on those cane-strokes; as Vanna always is), and to gain a power-rush, from thrashing me silly, so know problems there! Lady Vanna is welcome to have all the disciplining power she desires! However since she doesn't have a website, or even a contact email address, I really don't know how my dream of being caned by Vanna will ever come true! We once shared a couple of emails when she was still working at NWL. And I came really close to being thrashed by her! But then we lost contact, when the great Ed Lee started handling all the correspondences at NWL himself, and she no longer worked there. What a bummer, for Lady Vanna gave one heck of a truly punishing caning, and I love all her videos! She used to be so commanding and domineering, whilst welting a richly deserving bare-bum, and I love that combination of dominance through pain.

  8. Its the institutional nature of many of the beatings that get me. I love that there could be some society or world where males can be corrected and kept by women.


  9. I just bought the video of Vanna spanking her mother, who evidently needed the money, and some other woman whom I presume is some friend of her Mom's. I think her mother did an amazingly realistic performance of crying like a little schoolgirl over Vanna's lap. Having a degree in psychology and some Freudian issues with my own mother who was very attractive and died when I was a teenager, I would be interested in knowing more about the relationship between Vanna and her mother like their backgrounds, feelings, and stuff.

  10. When you were spanked early in life; it`s a fascination and a fetish forever
    A little discipline and training is good for everyone. I could use some

  11. I would love my butt spanked by that woman. She looks just like a real domme should in such cases.

  12. Würde mir sofort von dieser Frau,den blanken ordentlich Versohlen lassen-.

  13. Dear Vanna ,Ma'am,

    If your listening, this is a long time fan, who is a Real Sub Masochist. I would Really like to submit to You Ma'am, for a sound Spanking, Strapping and Whipping. I've seen videos of You in action and truthfully say take me, Spank,Strap and Whip me, I am saying this for real. Vanna is #1, wish I could meet her and her Straps and Whips.

  14. I like Vanna but Tessara of Nuwest was the real Bombshell! I wonder what happened to her?

  15. Vanna you are one of the VERY best! Love your work!!! I was wondering though, what ever happened to Julia Jamison? Years ago I met her and Ed out at Table Mountain in San Marcos California.

  16. I do believe that if I could have one women to just beat my butt without mercy it would be Vanna from Nu west, I have most of her videos and must say that women was born to blister a butt and to be blistered by her would be a true dream come true, she was beautiful when she was younger and she beautiful now. I know she wouldn't but I think if she ever spanked me I would be too busy screaming to be able to talk. she is prolly one of three women in the world that I would give $5000 to for a taste of her discipline
