Saturday 28 January 2012

YAY! I was wrong!

Contrary to my previous post, 'Ma'am, Yes, Ma'am' is NOT gone for good!

I just received this note from Tom:

"thank you all very much....I am deeply humbled by your kind words. I did not take it down, it was removed by Google. I was on a business trip when I got a text from a lady friend asking why I had deleted it! I was not able to verify or address the issue until I got home. I have been working on it all night. I was just informed by Google that my blog was "flagged" as spam by automated spam tracking software. I am currently in the process of trying to have the blog unlocked! Hopefully you will see it back up and posting again in the very near future. Thanks again for your kind words and most of all, your support! :)"

We are all looking forward to your return, Tom!


  1. The same exact thing happened to my blog last week! When I awoke last Friday I was unable to login to my Google account and my blog had been taken down. Google did not tell me what was going on only that in most cases locking of accounts has to do with not abiding with their terms of service. After 24 hours they sent an e-mail to an alternate account I had given them essentially saying "Whoops! Never mind." I found the whole episode to be extremely aggravating!

    Glad to hear Tom will be back! Yay!

  2. Well that is excellent news, although rather worrying that Google will just randomly take down someone's site like this.
